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Refund Policy

When an order is received, please inspect your order and contact us immediately if the item is defective, damaged, expired or if you receive the wrong item so we can evaluate and action it as soon as possible.

We have a 7-day refund policy. This means that we can fully refund your item or exchange your product within 7 days of the item being delivered (subject to evaluation and inspection — see below paragraphs). 

You are eligible for an exchange or a refund if the product is not sealed properly, expired and/or damaged upon arrival. When such situation happens, contact us at with the proof of purchase (receipt), photos of the damage along with its packaging with the delivery label visible on it. Once we receive your email, we will immediately investigate and evaluate the situation. If your request is accepted, we'll refund/exchange your product you as soon as you receive the confirmation email. For refund, it may take between 3-7 days for the amount to be seen on your bank account. For product exchange, it may take between 5-7 days for the product to be delivered at your door.

For more information, you can contact us at

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